

Elysha has six major heart defects that we know about. To learn more about them, click on the links.

ISOLATED DEXTROCARDIA WITH SITUS SOLITUS:  her heart is turned to the right instead of the left. 

TRANSPOSITION OF THE GREAT ARTERIES: the pulmonary artery and aorta are flipped

DOUBLE OUTLET RIGHT VENTRICLE: the pulmonary artery and aorta both feed off the right ventricle (which is actually on the morphological left side because of  the Dextrocardia)

ATRIOVENTRICULAR DISCORDANCE: the ventricles are reversed; the right on the left and the left on the right. 

PULMONARY STENOSIS: the pulmoary artery is narrowed and has restricted blood flow

VENTRAL SEPTAL DEFECT: there is a hole between the ventricles.

To see a sketch of Elysha’s heart, click on the link below: (you will need Adobe Acrobat. Get Adobe Reader )

Elysha’s Heart (Sketch - by Richard & Katherine)

To learn more about normal heart functions:

Hospital for Sick Children

If you cannot view the graphics, try this site:

Child Physiology